The Playnetball Family
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Site Managers has a site manager for each location for each night of the week to make sure everything runs smoothly. Sometimes they’ll be umpiring and sometimes they’ll be running round making sure everything is just right. In case you need to get hold of them and you don’t know what they look like, you can ask any one of the umpires or just find their picture below!


Jade - Site Manager on Mondays in Angel

Jade –  Monday

James - Site Manager on Tuesdays in Angel

James –  Tuesday

Jade - Site Manager on Mondays in Angel

Jade –  Wednesday


Zoey - Site Manager on Mondays in Highbury

Zoey – Monday

Emma- Site Manager on Wednesdays in Highbury

 Emma – Wednesday

Fee - Site Manager on Mondays in Angel

Fee – Thursday


Pete - Site Manager on Tuesdays in Dulwich

Pete – Tuesday