An Interview with Chamali’s Angels

Chamali's Angels are our latest team to be interviewed in this feature of getting to know our teams better. Since joining the league last season in ladies C grade on Thursdays in Angel they won the league and were promoted to B grade! Congrats to them :D The team are regulars at The Joker after [...]

How do I cool down after netball?

It's important to cool down after netball and slow your level of activity gradually. Cooling down allows your muscles to return to their normal temperature and avoid injury. By gradually returning your heart rate and breathing rate to normal it allows waste products in your muscles to be removed. Begin with a low paced jog [...]

How can I warm up before netball?

You need to make sure you warm up before a match but it doesn't need to be hard or a hassle. It will ready your body for exercise and help to reduce the risk of injury particularly when playing in the cold. Begin with a low intensity activity, for example 3-5 minutes of jogging/side steps/skips/high [...]

An Interview with Big Ballers

We wanted to get to know our teams better so when Kerry was at the courts one night she approached Big Ballers to ask if they'd do a little interview with us that we could share with all of you. Luckily for us they said yes and were happy to share their netball story. Read [...]

An Interview with Ryan

Ryan site manages for us on Tuesdays in Angel although you'll regularly see him umpiring on Mondays too. You'll also recognise him if you took part in one of the summer tournaments. Read his interview below.  1) Tell us about yourself… I'm Ryan, a Scottish born tattooed Australian that has lived in London for 9 years. [...]

The Replay Rule

We have a lot of queries about the replay rule so we thought we’d have a go at explaining it! The official rule extracted from the England netball rule book Rule 9.4 Playing the ball 9.4.1 Methods of playing the ball (i) To gain possession a player may: (a) Catch the ball with one or [...]

An Interview With Temi

Temi is a B award umpire who umpires for us on Wednesdays and Thursdays in Angel. Get to know Temi in her interview below.  How did you get into umpiring? I needed to help out my club with umpiring and wanted to know more about the game. Do you play netball as well as umpire? Yes, [...]

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